I was a member of the Prime Minister’s Task Force on Modern Slavery. The Task Force was established in 2016 to oversee a coordinated response to the challenges we face. It brought together ministers from relevant government departments, senior police officers, the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner, the heads of intelligence agencies and key practitioners.
The United Nations University and Alliance 8.7 held a two-year project to accelerate global efforts to generate, exchange, and ensure the uptake of knowledge to fight modern slavery, human trafficking, and forced and child labour. The initiative aimed to aggregate and animate the best available data, evidence, and analysis from around the world, and make it more accessible and useful to scholars, policymakers and practitioners.
A seminar at the UN in July 2018 reviewed progress towards Target 8.7. My own talk is 46 minutes in.
The UK’s Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner was established as one of the key provisions of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. The Commissioner's role is to promote best practice and drive improvement across the anti-slavery response, both in the UK and internationally.
The Advisory Panel was set up to provide the Commissioner with recommendations and guidance; I served under both Kevin Hyland and Dame Sara Thornton.
Maintained by Bernard Silverman. Site last edited 1 February 25 (though not every page may be up to date).